Martyn Hunter-Wyatt
Welcome to the Askham Parish Meeting website. Askham has no Parish Council, instead organising its governance through a Parish Meeting. This is a meeting all residents can attend, at which matters affecting the village are discussed and actions in relation to those matters are decided. Parish Meetings are generally held in May and November each year. Additional meetings can be called if circumstances require. May is the annual meeting where officers are elected and formal approvals for accounts and minutes are given. November is an interim meeting where the mid term accounts and budget for following year are discussed. Villagers can raise matters within the remit of the Parish Meeting to be added to the agenda. We ask that as much advance notice as possible is given so they can be included on the agenda which is published two weeks before the meeting. Agendas and minutes are published on the noticeboards at the Parish Room (aka Village Hall) in Top Street and at the Duke William in Town Street. They are also on this site. If you have any questions or for further information please contact the Parish Meeting's Chair, Martyn Hunter-Wyatt.
Askham Parish Meeting,
Thorn Lea Cottage, Church Lane,
Askham, Newark,
NG22 0RU
There are currently no scheduled meetings
Deputy Chair